with others.
Crowd@create to solve problems that matter to you.
In the Workshop
Student Projects
Post a Project
Creating in its essence is about transcending the limits, circumstances or situations that have been placed upon us by external forces. It is this belief that no matter where we find ourselves, there is always something within us that we can tap on to overcome and finding a way. In its simplest sense, it means that by creating we are the masters of our own fate. It is a belief borne not out of pure faith but by the numerous examples witnessed of the many creative and determined individuals in history.
Create a project
How to easily organize your computer files?
Learn to build a DIY engine that helps you?
How to harness the power of machines anywhere?
How not to let floods affect your lives?
How to bring people together to create solutions?
Gather help for yourproject.Solve the problemsthat matter.
Post it with us.
Post now Useful tips
Seek to create solutions to problemsthat matter to you. After all,what's to stop youwhen you Create.?
Technology and money don't solve problems.People do. Let us discover andcelebrate the ingenuitythat is in all of us.